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The country singer, whose song "Down Home" just hit number one, will be the main speaker at his alma mater, Delaware State University, where he will receive the honor of “Dr.” added to his name.
Set to speak on May 12th, Allen spoke about the opportunity saying, "I'm honored to be the keynote speaker and hope I can share something that will inspire the next generation of leaders. Thank you to President (Tony) Allen and the rest of the DSU family for having me. Let's go HORNETS."
As a special guest on all dates of Carrie Underwood's The Denim & Rhinestones Tour, Allen will make a comeback to the road. The 43-date U.S. arena tour began in October 2022 and will begin on February 2 in Miami. It will include 20 or more stops along the way, including New York City, Los Angeles, and Nashville. The tour will end on March 17 in Seattle.