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Spectrum at the Florence County Council released a joint statement, announcing an investment of nearly $14 million for a fiber-optic expansion project in Florence County, that will service more than 3,300 homes and businesses. Florence County Council pledged $4.5 million from the ARP (American Rescue Plan), and Spectrum is investing $9.3 million for the expansion project.
According to a press release from Spectrum: “Spectrum is a proven leader in expanding broadband to underserved communities, especially in rural areas,” said state Rep. Roger Kirby. “I’m thrilled to see the Florence County Council show the initiative to combine county federal dollars with other funding awarded to Charter from other federal programs, like RDOF, to finish unserved areas of Florence County. It is important the County recognized the opportunity to put all of these dollars to good use and I was honored to assist in pulling the varied interests together to move this generational opportunity forward for our area.”
Florence County Council member Jason Springs added, “Expanding broadband into rural communities is one of the most important things we can do to grow our economy. I applaud Spectrum for their commitment to bridge the digital divide so everyone has access to the information and tools they need to succeed in today’s environment.”
Following the formal announcement, the Florence County Council, Florence County Parks & Recreation and Spectrum will host a community festival including fiber splicing demonstrations, food trucks and various outdoor activities. The festival is open to the public, May 19, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Lake City Park, 273 North Church St., Lake City.