Denis Davis

Denis Davis

Denis Davis likes to do 3 things: fun outdoor activities in Florence and the Pee Dee, travel, and playing your favorite songs! Also, cooking,...Biografía completa


Carolina Havoc Hosts a Salute To Heroes Night

Florence, S.C.–The Carolina Havoc,2018defending champion ofthe American ArenaLeague(AAL), will use it’s last home game of the 2019 season as a“Salute to Heroes.”On Saturday,May 18, 2019,beginning at7:05 p.m., the Havoc will take on the Southern Steam.That night, the teamwill honor the members of the“Florence Seven”.The“Florence Seven”were theseven members of the Florence County Sheriffs Office and FlorencePolice Departmentwhowere either wounded or killed in the line of dutyOct. 22, 2018,while serving awarrant in Florence County, South Carolina.Terrance Calloway and Farah Turner lost their livesas they took fire from the suspect.

The Havoc willhonor these brave menand womenat halftime oftheirgameSaturday.Theteam will also honor members of the armed forces, first responseand lawenforcementbeforekickoff.Area children will be able to come to the Florence Centerbeforethe game andparticipatein a“Touch-a-Truck”style event as well asparticipate in other planned events.Family members of the“Florence Seven”will alsoeatwith the team atit’spregamemeal provided by Liberty Station Catering and Events of Florence.

Asa bonus, all members of the armed forces, lawenforcementand first response will be able to enter the gamefor free.They canpurchase additional tickets at the Florence Centerbox office for just $7 each. Forquestions or inquiries about Saturday’sevents, please call the team’s office at(843) 603-1743.

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