DCSD release statement on Lamar High School graduation

Darlington County School district released a statement today, regarding a situation at Lamar High School, when a student was denied the opportunity to walk at the graduation ceremony. This recent incident attracted national attention, and has now sparked change throughout the Darlington County School District.

Lamar High School senior, Dy'Nashia Clark, was unable to walk because she broke a dress code policy that was in place for over 20 years, and she simply wanted to feel comfortable in her own skin, as she experienced this once in a lifetime opportunity.

According to the statement:

Dr. Tim Newman, district superintendent, has reached out to the student to apologize and assure her that her actions have led to positive change districtwide.
“I appreciate the student for bringing her concern to our attention," Newman said. "The Darlington County School District recognizes that the dress code rule is not consistent with our commitment to being inclusive for all students. This practice has been eliminated, effective immediately.”
The Darlington County School District is committed to ensuring all of our students know they have a voice.

Read more below:

South Carolina State Superintendent of Education, Molly Spearman, responded on Twitter:

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