Florence One Schools names Ms. Michelle McBride, Principal of the Year

Ms. Michelle McBride has been named Florence One Schools Principal of the Year. Ms. McBride is the principal of Timrod Elementary School.

According to a statement from Florence One Schools:

Nominated for this recognition by a group of her peers, including fellow principals and school administrators in Florence 1 Schools, Principal McBride has served at Timrod since 2009 when she became the school’s curriculum coordinator. During the 2012-13 school year, McBride became principal of the school. In recent years, Timrod Elementary has recently garnered local, state and national recognition.
Under McBride’s leadership, Timrod Elementary is the only school in Florence 1 which is operated year-round with four intercessions during the year. Educators say that this unique schedule is designed to optimize instructional time, engage students in more meaningful activities, and inspire the development of world-class skills.
Said one of the Timrod Elementary faculty members, “Ms. McBride is both confident and comfortable in her role as leader of Timrod Elementary School. These attributes make it easy for us to assume our roles and responsibilities as well. Timrod Elementary is a very loving place, and I am glad to be a part of the staff at this school,” she added.
For the past few years Timrod Elementary has embraced the concept of blended learning, which combines online learning with face-to-face instruction. Use of the school’s blended learning concept has sparked interest from educators local and statewide, some of whom have visited the school to see the concept in action.
Other accolades received at Timrod Elementary under McBride’s tenure include the National Beta School of Merit Award and a notable improved student achievement distinction which is expected to be announced early next month.
On Thursday afternoon amidst Timrod Elementary students and staff, Dr. O’Malley congratulated McBride for receipt of this honor. He also announced that Principal McBride will now vie for the title of South Carolina Principal of the Year through the South Carolina School Administrators’ Principal of the Year awards program.

Also Ginger Baggette, Assistant Principal of Delmae Elementary School was named Florence One Schools Assistant Principal of the Year.

According to a statement from Florence One Schools:

“I have worked with Ginger for 19 years at Delmae,” said Delmae Elementary School Principal Roy Ann Jolley. “She is always a teacher first, a coach, a curriculum resource, and the ultimate professional. Her knowledge and willingness to do whatever it takes has reached beyond the walls of Delmae throughout our district and across the state. I call her ‘the architect to my visions, my friend.’”
Baggette’s colleagues at Delmae have mentioned that the students are always excited to see her in the hallways or in her office because she always has a smile, a kind word, and a hug for them.
“Ginger Baggette is one of the hardest working people that I have ever met,” said Delmae Elementary School Reading Coach Jill Russell. “She has a heart of gold, and she truly cares about the students, families and staff at Delmae. As an educator, coach, lead learner and administrator, Ginger Baggette proves daily that it is possible to wear all of those hats and do it with a smile,” added Russell.
Delmae Elementary teacher Lisa Benton said she is grateful that she has had the opportunity to work with and learn from Baggette over the past 10 years. “She is dedicated to helping all of us reach every student and maximize each student’s potential. She is a relentless advocate of our special needs students and our struggling students. I think I speak for many in our school when I say that Mrs. Baggette motivates each of us, not only to be a better teacher, but also to be a better person.”
On Thursday morning amidst Delmae Elementary students and staff, Dr. O’Malley congratulated Baggette for receipt of this honor. He also announced that Assistant Principal Baggette will now vie for the title of South Carolina Assistant Principal of the Year through the South Carolina School Administrators’ Principal of the Year awards program.

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