Deadlines for Florence Parks and Rec Baseball and Softball

Registration for the City of Florence Recreation Services and Sports Tourism Baseball and Softball leagues will begin February 1. A parent or guardian can sign the participant up online by visiting the link below:

Parents can also sign up the participant by coming by our Administrative Offices located at 513 Barnes Street.Each registrant needs to bring a birth certificate if they have never participated in any City ofFlorence program. 

The cost for each baseball and softball program is $41 per participant.Baseball leagues are zoned, based on where you live,and will govern what league you are eligible to participate. Information can be found below for each league:

The Florence Youth Softball Association (FYSA) is a sanctioned Dixie Youth Softball Program and will include All-Star play. The FYSA is open to girls 5 thru 18 years of age. Age groups are: 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12, & 13-18.Registration will run February 1 thru March 7th. For softball, the birthday cutoff is the participant’s age as of August 31, 2019.

Registration for the Maple Park Dixie Youth Baseball program is for ages 5 thru 12 year olds. Age groups are: 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, and 11-12 year olds. Registration will run February 1 thru February 21.The birthday cutoff date for baseball is May 1, 2019(playing age as of April 30, 2019).

Registration for the McLeod Park Dixie Youth and Dixie Boys Baseball program is for ages 5 thru 14 year olds. Age groups are 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12, & 13-14 year olds. Registration will run February 1 thru February 23.The birthday cutoff date for baseball is May 1, 2019(playing age as of April 30, 2019).

Registration for the P.A.L. Little League and Junior League Baseball Programs of Northside Park and Northwest Park are for ages 5 thru 15 year olds. Age groups are 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12,and 13-15. Registration will run February 1st thru March 14th. The birthday cutoff date for the P.A.L. Little League is August 31, 2019(playing age as of August 31, 2019).

For more information please contact Tim Wilson or CJ Brown at the City of Florence Recreation Services/Sports Tourism Department at 665-3253. Office hours are Monday thru Friday from 8:30AM to 5:30PM. Additional information can be found on the City of Florence Athletics Website at

Sign up with the City of Florence here

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